Research & Development
R&D to upgrade our systems consciousness from diagnosing present crises, to envisioning and creating living systems that thrive.
Strategic Communications
Stratcomms to amplify R&D findings across our networks through journalism, training and public outreach
Creative Community
Cultivating global networks to build transdisciplinary communities of cooperation and collaboration from which new paradigms of thriving living systems can emerge.
Public Networked Empathic Intelligence
A systems-grounded transdisciplinary philosophy, sociology, methodology and practice for collective intelligence to upgrade our capacities to adapt regeneratively.
Civilization is at a pivotal inflection point
We face unprecedented challenges - and an unprecedented opportunity. The human species is in the midst of the last stages of this civilization’s systemic life cycle. Let’s prepare for the next life cycle.

Emergence through collaboration
The System Shift Lab’s fundamental goal is to help institutions, experts and practitioners continually innovate ways to become better connected on the path toward building public networked empathic intelligence - to galvanise adaptive and regenerative system change at multiple scales.
The beauty of this approach is that true ‘collective intelligence’ has no single centre, but multiple, coordinated centres, each contributing to whole-systems awareness.
Therefore, the Lab helps with the creation of fluid, participatory spaces designed to be open to input, ideas, visions and actions from its participating members.